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Nefertiti Realm

Spiritual Guru MentorShip Teaser; The Order Form to the Universe.

In "OUR" Spiritual Guru MentorShip NR"G" Management System we help you create an Order Form to the Universe (OFTU).

The OFTU is the tool used that ultimately helps you get clear on both energetic and intellectual levels. The OFTU helps you get the specifics of your vision or project; what it is you want to accomplish and why. On the intellectual level, knowing exactly what you want and why makes it easy for you to identify it when it shows up. On the energetic level, it creates strong, coherent, frequencies in your vibrational output that pull your vision towards you. The greater the clarity around the vision or project the more harmonious the alignment between the energetic and intellectual levels, the greater the coherence of your vibrational output around that vision or project the faster and more easily it can manifest.

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