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Nefertiti's Realm The Planets

The Planets

"The planetary bodies of our solar system represent our consciousness as they express in the four major areas of life. They do this by forming duality pairs within each area;


The Sun and Moon represent the outward and inward movements of the individual. They represent our childhood dilemma of development through exploration vs. seeking security. Our lunar consciousness seeks to nurture and protect ourselves in a private setting, while our solar consciousness seeks attention in the world to display the special qualities we developed in private.


Mars and Venus represent the movements away from and towards each other. They represent the dilemma of our youth of asserting our individuality vs. getting along with others and fitting in. Our Martian consciousness seeks to separate ourselves from others in order to have freedom and to compete for survival. Our Venusian consciousness seeks to attract others toward us in order to have happy and productive relationships.


Jupiter and Saturn represent the expansive and contracting forces of the beliefs and values shared by groups of people. They represent our dilemma of seeking the freedom to find our own truths vs. accepting the conventional wisdom from our surroundings. Jupiter represents a person’s need to grow and find ways to explore one’s potential and impact group movements. Saturn represents the need to conform to our cultural expectations and take responsibilities upon one’s self, becoming a productive member of society.


Neptune and Uranus represent the universal process of dreaming and awakening. They represent the dilemma of remaining in a comfortable illusion vs. awakening to truth and letting go of one’s attachments. Neptune’s dreaming is our one self’s way of imagining itself into being as a multitude of expressions in an objective universe. It represents the loss of knowledge of our true self. Uranus’ awakening is the process of remembering and returning to our one true self. In eastern traditions, this is known as the out-breath and the in-breath of God Consciousness."

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