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Anchor 1
Professional ​

Life is truly magical and is our most precious gift. Then why are there times in this magical life where we may find ourselves sad, exhausted, depressed and sometimes simply helpless? This happens when we receive and send signals to ourselves that there is no hope.


You were born to be happy and to experience life at its fullest. The magical part of life is that you create your situation and have the ability to change it through your train of thought and perspective. Gratitude for the present now moment is one of the simple keys to happiness. 


We assist you with dealing with death and bereavement among other issues. Losing someone is never easy, we reach out to you in your grief and help you try and put things into perspective by showing you that death is not final.


As Intuitive Spiritual Coaches-Therapist-BABA'S, we encourage other's personal growth as well as help them to make a transformation and feel good about themselves while living their lives to the fullest limitless potential, when walking their unique path and accomplishing their life’s purpose.

Our philosophy is change you and change the world. See yourself and free yourself; which starts with loving yourself unconditionally and doing the internal work that will help balance out your energy; Only than can one effectively change themselves and change the world, their perspectives as well as their reality. We guide you to explore and discover your spiritual or religious beliefs that  have been ingrained in you for years and possibly life-times, which you may feel conflicted or confused about in your current reality. 


Personal coaching, inviting and helping people to heal themselves, organizing and conducting workshops, and facilitating meditation. 

Responsible for providing strategic leadership, by working with the Board and other management to establish long-range goals, strategies, plans and policies: planning;
advertising; public relations; event organisation; product development; distribution;
sponsorship; research.



Job Position
Naturopathic Reiki II Therapist
-I do assessments and consultations of my clients physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. 
-I help clients to relax psychological tensions with advanced work of releasing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy blocks.
-I create health care plans that address physical mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of themselves.
-I teach specific health therapy techniques and programs that induce new perspectives on life by coming face to face with what is keeping a person from accessing their higher self.
-As a vessel of divine healing energy, I utilize natural tools such as crystals and the elements as physical reminders 
-I utilize/implement the healing positions in my dance hosting/pop-ups, to help heal myself and others simultaneously.
Job position
Spiritual Life Coaching 2014- present
I maintain professional relationships between myself and clients that enables them to move forward towards success by finding and creating their own answers. As Spiritual Coaches-Therapist, We help you bring answers to the surface through powerful questioning, listening and other techniques. We help you find a vision, set goals, co-create a plan, and bring it into fruition. We also assist with energy transformation, energy balancing, spiritual releasement, clearing self, Baabaa Shamanic healing-dancing, and guided meditations. 

CEO Of. Ralph Figaro Productions Houston

A next level collective family team with business savvy techniques that allows us to think outside of the boxes. We encourage Natural Stars to Shine Brighter by collaboratively breaking boundaries. We build bridges that gaps between our entertainment services and artists imagined projects, that we help support and develop into creative realities. We work diligently to distribute and promote artists desires behind the show, which include; Pre-Production Planning, Booking, Scheduling Space, Planning and Management of the rehearsal process, Production schedule installation; Camera Operations, Productions (music), Directing, Editing, Spiritual Energy Healing Support, Life Coaching, Image Coordination, Financial Consultations, Marketing and New Media Distribution.​​​​​


​2012- 2016 

BS in Psychology and Marketing


REIKI I and II Therapist

Trained through Dr. K. AKUA GRAY at A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute Therapy Series

/10 hrs from Masters  


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