Nefertiti's Realm
I am not interested in people who allow circumstances to control their lives. I am interested in people who invent the circumstances they...
Nefertiti's Realm The Modes
The Modes, represent the process of life. The Cardinal mode represents the power needed for creating life and represents forward...
Nefertiti's Realm Quality In The Zodiac
"Duality in the Zodiac, there are four phases of duality in the zodiac which represent the four major areas of life: 1) The 12 signs...
Nefertiti's Realm The Elements
"The Elements; Each of the four elements in the zodiac, representing the substances of life, is associated with a major area of life: The...
Nefertiti's Realm The Zodiac Quadrants
The Zodiac's Quadrants "The zodiac, through which planets travel and find expression, is also a representation of the four major areas of...
Nefertiti's Realm The Planets
The Planets "The planetary bodies of our solar system represent our consciousness as they express in the four major areas of life. They...
Nefertiti's Realm Self Meditation
A client asked how to self meditate. Here's a couple of very simple suggestions; Before you begin meditating, you will want to find a...